Sunday, 30 March 2014

English Exam, Foundation Tier: Question 6

This question will always ask you to argue or persuade and will look something like this:

A competition has been launched to find a team of brave young people to complete an expedition to the North Pole. Write a letter to the organisers persuading them that you should be on the team.
Remember to:
  • write a letter
  • use language to persuade
Try to write approximately two pages.

It's worth 24 marks so you MUST have a go at this question, no matter how hard you think it is. To get 18 or more marks, your writing needs to be clear, developed and it must suit the text type, audience and purpose of the question.

Use this writing checklist to help you remember what to include in your writing:

Try a few question six tasks:

Argue for or against the views expressed in this quotation. Your piece will appear on the entertainment pages of a website.
‘‘Talent shows like The X Factor provide cheap television, gossip and nothing of any value. There are better programmes than these.’’

There is evidence that many young people are not eating, exercising or spending their leisure time properly and that this is damaging their health and life chances.
Write an article for Living Today magazine which persuades young people to improve their diet and lifestyle.

‘‘There’’s no point making the effort and taking the risk of travelling the world, disturbing people and animals as you go, when you can see it all on TV or the Internet.’’
Write a magazine article which persuades young people either to travel or stay at home.

It has been said that: ‘‘People who save lives or help improve the lives of others are the true role models of today.’’
Write an article for a newspaper in which you argue your view about what makes a good role model.

Bring in your revision so I can grade it!

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